About cinfo

Globally connected, based in Biel-Bienne: for over thirty years, we have empowered professionals and supported organisations and educational institutions in developing their activities in the field of international cooperation. 

What we do

From top executives to young professionals, from multilateral organisations to micro-institutions: cinfo connects people and organisations in international cooperation based on our global network.

Who we are

cinfo has been the competence centre for careers in international cooperation on behalf of the Swiss Confederation and other partner organisations for over thirty years.

cinfo brings a valuable additional service. It is close to the institutions and aware of where their priorities lie; as a result, it can develop the fundamentals, which is enormously beneficial to us.
Anne Bickel
Director People & Learning
By recruiting Swiss nationals for international organisations, cinfo makes a significant contribution to the international perception of our country as a humanitarian country.
Thomas Gass
Ambassador, Head of Department South Cooperation, SDC

Our networks and collaborations

cinfo is committed to working closely with others. These collaborations help to advance, position and promote the Swiss labour market of international cooperation.

cinfo is both an information platform and competence centre. It is at the forefront of incorporating new developments and providing awareness-raising and information activities.
Caroline Morel
Former Executive Director
cinfo is uniquely positioned to meet the challenges of our time because it has such a solid, impressive base: few organisations have as many contacts and as much knowledge in the humanitarian field.
Carine Leu Bonvin
Head of Alumni Relations & Professional Networks
Graduate Institute Geneva

On behalf of
