
Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights

The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights provides postgraduate education, conducts academic legal research, and facilitates policy dialogue in international law and human rights.

The Geneva Academy has a global reputation for excellent teaching and research, attracting exceptional students and professionals to its master’s and training programmes. We concentrate on branches of international law that relate to situations of armed conflict, protracted violence and protection of human rights.

Focusing on the following sustainable development goals (SDGs)

Quality Education
Gender Equality
Reduced Inequalities
Climate Action
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Partnerships to achieve the Goals

How we work

The Geneva Academy provides advanced education on international humanitarian law, human rights and transitional justice. We also conduct pioneering research and foster policy debate.
The Academy offers two full-time master programmes and executive education, including a part-time master programme for working professionals. We also facilitate expert meetings, and organise public events to enhance understanding and implementation of international humanitarian law and human rights globally.

... and why

Our alumni are leaders in the humanitarian, human rights and transitional justice fields, working as legal advisers, researchers, professors, diplomats, advocates or field officers with international organisations, international courts and tribunals, NGOs, academic institutions, development agencies or governments. By educating future leaders, generating influential research, and contributing to policy development, the Geneva Academy seeks to advance the protection of individuals and communities affected by armed conflict and human rights violations.

Career opportunities

Seeking candidates mainly in

Menschenrechte, Recht und Governance

Opportunities offered

Internships for students no
Traineeships/Talent programs for graduates no
Positions/programs for young professionals yes
Staff positions for professionals yes
Senior or management positions yes
Consultancy opportunities yes
See current vacancies on cinfoPoste

Type of organisation

Bildungs- und Forschungseinrichtung

Field(s) of activity

Friedensförderung und menschliche Sicherheit


Geneva, Switzerland

Region(s) of operation

Osteuropa und Zentralasien
Lateinamerika und Karibik
Nahost und Nordafrika
Südostasien und Pazifik
West- und Mitteleuropa

Number of employees

In Switzerland:
Zwischen 20 und 50

Outside Switzerland:

Learn more

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