Symposium cinfo 2017

Employee onboarding, onboard-keeping and offboarding

Onboarding sets the tone for the satisfaction and success of new staff members, both at headquarters and in the field. But what exactly is onboarding? Where does it start and where does it end? Why is it important to invest in onboarding? This symposium provided participants the opportunity to enrich their perspectives on diverse aspects of onboarding, onboard-keeping and off-boarding. And to learn from other sectors than international cooperation.

Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don't want to.

Lisa Isler, Director cinfo, quoting Richard Branson

Symposium cinfo 2017

More resources

cinfo members’ engagement with onboarding, onboard-keeping and offboarding
Download poster

Onboarding = Organisational socialisation = Newcomer adjustment
Susanne Mehr, Research fellow at the Chair of HR Management, University of Zurich
Download presentation

Glad to have you on board!
Tulu Hamidi, HR Marketing Manager at Swisscom
Download presentation

World Economic Forum – About us
Paolo Gallo, Chief Human Resources Officer, World Economic Forum
Watch video

"La bussola del successo"
Paolo Gallo, Chief Human Resources Officer, World Economic Forum
Watch video