SECO – Economic Cooperation and Development

The SECO Economic Cooperation and Development division implements Swiss economic and trade policy measures for the benefit of developing countries.

SECO contributes to economic growth and sustainable prosperity in its partner countries. To this end it supports the creation of reliable economic framework conditions and innovative private-sector initiatives. Together with other federal agencies, SECO also defines Switzerland’s multilateral cooperation. Finally, it has also been involved in reducing economic and social disparities in selected countries of the European Union. This contribution is part of Switzerland’s European policy.

Focusing on the following sustainable development goals (SDGs)

No Poverty
Gender Equality
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequalities
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Partnerships to achieve the Goals

How we work

SECO focuses on eight business lines:
• Growth-promoting economic policy
• Rules-based trade system
• Innovation-friendly business environment
• Urban development and infrastructure services
• Access to financing
• Integration in value chains
• Corporate Social Responsibility
• Market-oriented skills
SECO’s activities focus on the long term. Gender equality as well as climate and resource efficiency are systematically considered.

... and why

SECO facilitates economic growth in its partner countries to create new opportunities and prospects for people. Thereby it ensures that all segments of the population benefit from such growth, and that it does not compromise the well-being of future generations. This reduces poverty and fragility. It also mitigates global risks such as economic and financial crises and climate change. Moreover, in giving people better prospects at home, SECO addresses one of the root causes of migration.

Career opportunities

Seeking candidates mainly in

Bankwesen und Finanzen
Aus- und Weiterbildung
Umwelt und Katastrophenmanagement
Menschenrechte, Recht und Governance
Entwicklung des Privatsektors
Soziale Entwicklung
Supply Chain Management

We are part of the SECO economic competence and want to shape economic development and create opportunities in a globalised world. We are committed to more and better jobs for all levels of the population. This opens up prospects, reduces poverty and inequalities. Sustainability, effectiveness and ownership guide our work.

Opportunities offered

Internships for students yes
Traineeships/Talent programs for graduates no
Positions/programs for young professionals no
Staff positions for professionals yes
Senior or management positions yes
Consultancy opportunities no
See current vacancies on cinfoPoste

Type of organisation

Staatliche Stelle

Field(s) of activity



Bern, Switzerland

Region(s) of operation

Osteuropa und Zentralasien
Lateinamerika und Karibik
Nahost und Nordafrika
Südostasien und Pazifik
West- und Mitteleuropa

Number of employees

In Switzerland:
Zwischen 50 und 200

Outside Switzerland:
Zwischen 20 und 50

Learn more

Visit our website