
UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
UN Women

UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women.

UN Women works with governments and civil society to design and implement laws, policies, programmes and services to enable women and girls to claim their rights and expand their opportunities.
UN Women is committed to a focus on integrated approaches to address the root causes of inequality and affect broader systems change.

Focusing on the following sustainable development goals (SDGs)

No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequalities
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Partnerships to achieve the Goals

How we work

UN Women acts on two fronts: it supports international political negotiations to formulate globally agreed standards for gender equality, and it helps the UN Member States in implementing those standards by providing expertise and financial support. UN Women also assists other parts of the UN system in advancing gender equality across a broad spectrum of human rights and human development issues.

... and why

UN Women stands behind women’s equal participation in all aspects of life:
• Women lead, participate in and benefit equally from governance systems
• Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy
• All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence
• Women and girls contribute to and have greater influence in building sustainable peace and resilience, and benefit equally from the prevention of natural disasters and conflicts and humanitarian action

Career opportunities

Seeking candidates mainly in

Bankwesen und Finanzen
Diversity Management
Menschenrechte, Recht und Governance
Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie
Medien und Kommunikation
Monitoring und Evaluation
Entwicklung des Privatsektors

UN Women offers real and meaningful work to empower women and girls around the world.
As a leading global gender equality entity, innovative programmes and in-depth expertise make UN Women a one-stop global centre for advancing gender equality.
As 80% of the posts are located in the field, UN Women brings together a brilliant and diverse community of gender equality advocates, representing more than 150 different nationalities.

Opportunities offered

Internships for students yes
Traineeships/Talent programs for graduates yes
Positions/programs for young professionals yes
Staff positions for professionals yes
Senior or management positions yes
Consultancy opportunities yes
See current vacancies on cinfoPoste

Type of organisation


Field(s) of activity

Friedensförderung und menschliche Sicherheit


New York, USA (with Liaisons Offices in Switzerland, Belgium, Japan, Ethiopia, Denmark and UAE)

Region(s) of operation

Osteuropa und Zentralasien
Lateinamerika und Karibik
Nahost und Nordafrika
Südostasien und Pazifik
West- und Mitteleuropa

Number of employees

In Switzerland:
Weniger als 20

Outside Switzerland:
Über 1000

Learn more

Visit our website