Community of Practice for HR Executives

This community of practice (CoP) connects Swiss-based organisations in development cooperation and humanitarian work and facilitates an in-depth exchange of expertise on HR development topics. The community is exclusively open to cinfo member organisations and aims to further develop the Human Resources management practices of participating organisations.

Member organisations active in development cooperation or humanitarian aid

Exchange, learn and jointly gain new insights for challenges in HR

  • Approx. two meetings per year (2 to 6 hours)
  • Additional ad-hoc online meetings in a web-based collaborative environment
  • Additional meetings as needed

Free of charge

How to participate

A unique CoP in Switzerland

This CoP is the only platform in Switzerland that brings together HR experts from international cooperation organisations to exchange knowledge and best practices.

COP People Management

The community of practice at a glance

Exchange of information and knowledge as well as joint learning on HR and personnel development topics

  • HR development
  • Organisational development
  • Processes and contracts
  • Due diligence
  • Contact and recruitment
  • You and your colleagues will exchange ideas and learn about best practices.
  • You gain new insights.
  • You improve your HR management skills.

Contribute to defining the study direction of cinfo’s monitoring and research activities

  • You will gain the knowledge and inspiration you need to develop your management practices in a fact-based way.

Information on cinfo support services

  • cinfo products and core topics
  • You can make better use of cinfo’s range of services for your requirements.
cinfo is both an information platform and competence centre. It is at the forefront of incorporating new developments and providing awareness-raising and information activities.
Caroline Morel
Former Executive Director ,  Swissaid
cinfo helps you as an employer to gain more competence, more knowledge and countless contacts – but it is also concerned about the work-life balance. It is a very human-oriented organisation that takes the well-being and development of staff into account.
Joachim Kercan
Diplomat ,  FDFA
cinfo brings a valuable additional service. It is close to the institutions and aware of where their priorities lie; as a result, it can develop the fundamentals, which is enormously beneficial to us.
Anne Bickel
Director People & Learning ,  Swisscontact

How to participate

Get in touch to receive your invitation for the next meeting

Are you a HR professional from a member organisation? Your participation in the community of practice is highly recommended!

Get in touch