Peace Brigades International - Schweiz/Suisse

PBI supports human rights defenders (HRD) in Guatemala, Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua & Costa Rica, Honduras, Indonesia, Kenya and Nepal from offices all over the world.

PBI has partnered with organisations in project countries and provides them with protection, advocacy support and psychosocial care. Core issues of such organisations often include the rights of indigenous people, gender and sexuality, landrights, impunity and megaprojects. Representing international presence, PBI further ensures fair judicial processes, a platform for state organs and grassroot-organisations to meet and negotiate, and international visibility.

Focusing on the following sustainable development goals (SDGs)

Gender Equality
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

How we work

Our unique approach combines on-the-ground expertise and local knowledge with international advocacy, aiming to ensure that HRDs are able to carry out their work, contributing to social justice and peace, in relative safety. We avoid imposing, interfering or getting directly involved in the work of the people we accompany. Various PBI entities all around the world contribute by delivering funds, coordinating volunteering, and advocating at national and international bodies such as the UN.

... and why

Over 40 years ago PBI was founded by people with practical experience of non-violence, who came together to revive the idea of an international organisation committed to unarmed third party intervention in conflict situations. PBI still stands for the same principles while working towards a world where human rights and social justice are being upheld while non-violent measures are chosen in a matter of conflict: Consensus, non-interference, independence and impartiality.

Career opportunities

Seeking candidates mainly in

Agriculture and Forestry
Environment and Disaster Risk Management
External Relations
Human Rights, Law and Governance
Media and Communication
Monitoring and Evaluation
Political Affairs and Peacekeeping
Security and Safety

Opportunities offered

Internships for students yes
Traineeships/Talent programs for graduates no
Positions/programs for young professionals yes
Staff positions for professionals no
Senior or management positions no
Consultancy opportunities no
See current vacancies on cinfoPoste

Type of organisation


Field(s) of activity

Peace Promotion and Human Security


Bern, Switzerland

Region(s) of operation

Latin America and the Caribbean
Sub-Saharan Africa

Number of employees

In Switzerland:
Less than 20

Outside Switzerland:
Between 50 and 200

Learn more

Visit our website