
Forum cinfo for experienced professionals in international cooperation

You are an experienced professional in the field of international cooperation – what if Forum cinfo 2022 was a pivotal moment in your career?

Start figuring out your next career move

What does it take to be a next-generation professional? What new roles will emerge in the global development and humanitarian community? What are your prospects?

Forum cinfo is a unique chance to explore your career development in the sector.

Figure out your next career move
Networking one to one

Make valuable connections

Is networking the key to your career success? It sure can be!

Meet peers and other professionals, speak directly to organisations and leave a lasting impression. Get answers to the questions you’ve always wanted to ask.

Don't miss out on career opportunities

Your work experience is more valuable than you might think.

What are the opportunities in the labour market for your professional development? Get relevant information and a better overview.

Networking in the career fair
Conference Forum

Keep abreast of sector trends, get inspiration and new insights

Forum cinfo is the only place where key players from Switzerland and all corners of the world meet.

Attend inspiring sessions on topical issues, so that you can leave the event better equipped and informed.

Learn more

Programme, speakers, exhibitors and tickets:

Forum cinfo 2022