Community of Practice EduCOP

Where education and marketing professionals learn from each other

This community of practice is all about education in international cooperation. Institutions with training and further education programmes meet regularly to exchange ideas, experiences and best practices. The spectrum of topics ranges from trends in the education and labour markets to the promotion of services and the design of innovative study programmes.

Educational institutions that are members of network cinfo

Exchanges with other lecturers in international cooperation

  • Approx. two meetings per year (2 to 6 hours)
  • Additional ad-hoc online meetings in a web-based collaborative environment
  • Additional meetings as needed

Free of charge

How to participate

A unique community of practice (COP) in Switzerland

This COP is the only platform in Switzerland that brings together educational institutions related to international cooperation. It allows the exchange of know-how and mutual inspiration for the positioning of the respective educational offers.


The community of practice at a glance

Training and labour market trends

  • Labour market trends
  • Labour market skills
  • Career entry of students
  • You learn about market trends and how to adapt your institutional strategies accordingly.

Marketing and promotion

  • You have specific contact with the cinfo audience to attract students to your institution

Best practice exchange on teaching methods

  • Possible online learning opportunities and digital tools
  • Facilitation techniques
  • Career guidance for students
  • You exchange best practices and improve your own processes.
cinfo is both an information platform and competence centre. It is at the forefront of incorporating new developments and providing awareness-raising and information activities.
Caroline Morel
Former Executive Director ,  Swissaid
NADEL regularly participates in the communities of practice EduCOP and Security. This helps being up to date regarding key issues and trends. It also helps getting access to state-of-the-art working instruments in order to professionalise one's organisation (e.g. security maturity model).
Kimon Schneider
Senior Lecturer ,  NADEL
For us from Swiss TPH, cinfo is of great value as it offers a platform for information and knowledge exchange with Swiss institutions active in the field of capacity building for international cooperation. This allows us to stay informed about trends and developments – much appreciated!
Karin Gross
Head of Unit – Professional Postgraduate Training ,  Swiss TPH

How to participate

Get in touch to receive your invitation for the next meeting

Are you a lecturer, programme coordinator or marketing expert from a member educational institution? Your participation in the community of practice is highly recommended!

Get in touch