
Forum cinfo for experts from other sectors / career changers

You are an expert from another sector (e.g. private sector) and a potential career changer – what if Forum cinfo 2022 was a pivotal moment in your career?

Tempted to take your career in a new direction?

Do you want to work with organisations committed to making the world a better place? Switching to a job in international cooperation doesn’t mean you have to start again from zero. Learn about entry opportunities in the sector and how to best transfer your skills and expertise. And find out what challenges you may face.

Getting into international cooperation
ICRC booth in the career fair

Your profile is certainly in demand: learn more about it

You don’t need to have a background in international cooperation to work in the sector. ​A wide variety of profiles are sought, including law, health, finance and more.

Get to know people and organisations active in the sector

Are you still unsure of how the sector works? No problem: talk directly to and get inspired by people with plenty of experience in international cooperation. ​Get to know the different organisations and their specific areas of work. The organisations are many and varied, and not limited to NGOs!

Networking Forum

Learn more

Programme, speakers, exhibitors and tickets:

Forum cinfo 2022