Inter-American Development Bank

The Inter-American Development Bank seeks to eliminate poverty and inequality and promote sustainable economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Through financial and technical support for countries working to reduce poverty and inequality, we help improve health and education, and advance infrastructure.

We are the leading source of development financing for Latin America and the Caribbean. We provide loans, grants, and technical assistance in addition to conducting extensive research.

Focusing on the following sustainable development goals (SDGs)

No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequalities
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Partnerships to achieve the Goals

How we work

The IDB prioritises social inclusion and equality, productivity and innovation, and regional economic integration in its development work across Latin America and the Caribbean. In doing so, it addresses the cross-cutting issues of gender equality and diversity, climate change and environmental sustainability, and institutional capacity and the rule of law.

... and why

Our aim is to achieve development in a sustainable, climate-friendly way.

Career opportunities

Seeking candidates mainly in

Agricoltura e selvicoltura
Sistema bancario e finanziario
Gestione delle diversità
Formazione e formazione continua
Ambiente e gestione delle catastrofi
Salute e alimentazione
Gestione delle risorse umane
Diritti umani, diritto e governance
Mass media e comunicazione
Monitoring e valutazione
Sviluppo del settore privato
Sviluppo sociale

We have earned the EDGE certification for the third time, a prestigious business distinction that recognises our efforts to be an equitable workplace. EDGE has evaluated our organisation on equal pay for equivalent work, recruitment and promotion, leadership development, training, mentoring, flexible working arrangements, and company culture.

We want to lead by example as we put equity at the centre of our operations and talent management practices.

Opportunities offered

Internships for students yes
Traineeships/Talent programs for graduates no
Positions/programs for young professionals yes
Staff positions for professionals yes
Senior or management positions yes
Consultancy opportunities yes
See current vacancies on cinfoPoste

Type of organisation

Banca multilaterale di sviluppo

Field(s) of activity

Cooperazione allo sviluppo


Washington, United States of America

Region(s) of operation

America latina e Caraibi

Number of employees

In Switzerland:

Outside Switzerland:
Più di 1000

Learn more

Visit our website