Le nostre organizzazioni membri Azione Quaresimale Azione Quaresimale è un'organizzazione svizzera di cooperazione internazionale. Ci impegniamo al fianco delle persone svantaggiate del Sud globale, per eliminare la fame e per un mondo più giusto. Per raggiungere questi obiettivi attingiamo alle conoscenze locali e sviluppiamo approcci efficaci in dialogo con le nostre organizzazioni partner. Con progetti rafforziamo la loro autonomia e sosteniamo le comunità nel rivendicare i loro diritti fondamentali. Collaboriamo con organizzazioni partner in 14 Paesi in Africa, Asia e America Latina e con organizzazioni in Svizzera. Leggi di più Basel Institute on Governance The Basel Institute on Governance is a hands-on centre of competence dedicated to promoting good governance and countering corruption for a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. Established in 2003 in Basel, the Institute works with partners worldwide to advance knowledge, practice and policy on anti-corruption, asset recovery and business integrity. Leggi di più Better Cotton Initiative Better Cotton is the world’s leading sustainability initiative for cotton. Our mission is to help cotton communities survive and thrive, while protecting and restoring the environment. In just over a decade, we have convinced stakeholders who span the industry to be partners: farmers, ginners, spinners, suppliers, manufacturers, brand owners, retailers, civil society organisations, donors and governments. Leggi di più BFH Cooperation and Development The platform BFH Cooperation and Development brings together the activities of various different departments at BFH in the field of international cooperation. Specialising in cooperation with emerging and developing countries, our activities are guided by the UN’s Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and make a concrete contribution to the sustainable development of both the economy and society. Leggi di più Biovision Biovision has been promoting ecological solutions for poverty reduction and improved food security in sub-Saharan Africa since 1998, developing and disseminating practical agro-ecological knowledge and action with its strong network of partners. As a pioneer of change, Biovision works in sub-Saharan Africa, globally and in Switzerland in a solution-oriented and science-based manner for social and political framework conditions that make an agro-ecological transformation towards a sustainable food system possible. Leggi di più Caritas Svizzera Caritas Svizzera previene, contrasta e allevia la povertà in circa 20 Paesi. Aiutiamo le persone in difficoltà in modo professionale, efficace ed efficiente, indipendentemente dalla religione, dal credo politico, dal sesso o dall’origine etnica. Leggi di più Centre Ecologique Albert Schweitzer (CEAS) CEAS is a Swiss NGO active in development cooperation since 1980. Recognised as a public utility, it implements projects based on the co-creation of innovative solutions, developed with local populations and recognised research institutes. Thanks to its complementary areas of expertise and its international network of partners, CEAS supports families, small businesses and public authorities on the African continent. Leggi di più Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) CDE is Switzerland’s centre of excellence for sustainable development. One of the University of Bern’s strategic research centres, we are tasked with mainstreaming sustainability throughout the university’s research and teaching. We conduct research and teaching on behalf of a more sustainable world. Our aim is to chart pathways to sustainable development and to initiate transformations in line with the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Leggi di più Centre pour la formation continue et à distance (CFCD) To face the ever growing and complex challenges in international cooperation, the University of Geneva offers interdisciplinary continuing education programmes for professionals, in multiple formats. They give professionals the opportunity to acquire and reinforce qualifications in their field of specialisation (humanitarian action, environnement and sustainable development, health and psychology, education and law). The programmes also aim at developing transferable and transversal skills, which are essential to pursue a successful career or reorientation. Leggi di più Comitato internazionale della Croce Rossa (CICR) Organizzazione imparziale, neutrale e indipendente, il Comitato internazionale della Croce Rossa (CICR) ha la missione esclusivamente umanitaria di proteggere la vita e la dignità delle vittime di conflitti armati e di altre situazioni di violenza, e di portar loro assistenza. Il CICR si adopera inoltre per alleviare la sofferenza promuovendo e rafforzando il diritto umanitario e i principi umanitari universali. Leggi di più Comundo Con oltre 70 cooperanti del settore, Comundo migliora la vita e i diritti umani delle persone vulnerabili che vivono in povertà in America Latina e in Africa. Prestiamo particolare attenzione ai bambini, ai giovani e agli anziani. Lo facciamo condividendo le conoscenze e l'esperienza dei nostri esperti con le organizzazioni partner locali, mettendo in rete le parti interessate e promuovendo l'apprendimento reciproco. Come organizzazione della società civile svizzera, Comundo contribuisce all'attuazione degli Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile dell'Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite. Combina l'esperienza concreta degli esperti nei paesi in cui opera con l'azione politica e la sensibilizzazione della società svizzera per realizzare un mondo più giusto. Leggi di più Croce Rossa Svizzera (CRS) La Croce Rossa Svizzera lavora per migliorare la salute e il benessere delle persone vulnerabili in tutto il mondo e per superare la loro esclusione sociale. La CRS aiuta anche le persone a diventare più resistenti ai disastri naturali e ad affrontare meglio i loro effetti. Come parte del Movimento Internazionale della Croce Rossa e della Mezzaluna Rossa, è attiva nel soccorso d'emergenza, nella ricostruzione post-disastro e nella cooperazione allo sviluppo in più di 20 paesi. Leggi di più Enfants du monde (EdM) Enfants du Monde is a Swiss organisation based in Geneva. For over 50 years, we have been providing quality education and access to healthcare to children and mothers in the world's poorest countries. Leggi di più EPFL EssentialTech Centre The EPFL EssentialTech Centre develops sustainable and scalable solutions to address unmet needs, notably in low-income and vulnerable contexts. Its mission is to harness science and technology to drive sustainable development, humanitarian action and peace. Working from concept definition to technology transfer, its core activities include systems engineering, contextual guidance and developing sustainable business models for the projects. The Centre also provides expertise to international organizations and partnership initiatives in its focus areas of action. Leggi di più ETH NADEL NADEL is the Center for Development and Cooperation at ETH Zurich. It connects researchers and practitioners to share, discuss and apply knowledge that addresses global and local development challenges. The Center offers postgraduate programs and individual courses aimed at graduates and professionals interested, or currently working, in development cooperation. Leggi di più Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights The Geneva Academy provides postgraduate education, conducts academic legal research and policy studies, and organises training courses and expert meetings. We concentrate on branches of international law that relate to situations of armed conflict, protracted violence and protection of human rights. The institution has acquired a global reputation for excellent teaching and research, and it attracts exceptional students to its master’s and training programmes. Leggi di più Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies A joint Centre of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and the University of Geneva, our mission is to contribute to a better, more effective, humanitarian response. The Centre offers a wide range of specialist and academic courses on humanitarian action, both online and residential, in Geneva and around the world, close to where professionals work; integrated, evidence-based research looking at trends and changes in the sector; and policy events on contemporary topics affecting the humanitarian sector. Leggi di più Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies The Graduate Institute Geneva is an institution of research and higher education dedicated to the study of world affairs, with a particular emphasis on the cross-cutting fields of international relations and development issues. Through our core activities, we aim to promote international cooperation and make a contribution to the progress of developing societies. More broadly, we endeavour to develop creative thinking on the major challenges of our time, foster global responsibility and advance respect for diversity. Leggi di più HEKS/EPER HEKS champions the cause of a more humane and just world and a life in dignity. Internationally, HEKS/EPER focuses on rural community development, humanitarian aid and inter-church cooperation. In Switzerland, HEKS/EPER champions the rights and the integration of refugees and socially disadvantaged people. Leggi di più Helvetas Helvetas s'impegna per un mondo giusto nel quale tutti gli esseri umani possano vivere la propria esistenza in modo autodeterminato dignitosamente e in pace, dove le risorse naturali siano utilizzate in modo sostenibile rispettando l'ambiente. L'organizzazione svizzera indipendente per la cooperazione allo sviluppo - con sedi autonome in Germania e negli Stati Uniti - fornisce aiuto all'auto-aiuto in circa 30 Paesi in Africa, Asia, America Latina ed Europa dell'Est, promuovendo così un vero cambiamento. Leggi di più Institute of Communication & Leadership Lucerne (IKF) IKF offers tertiary level continuing education programs in the areas of transcultural communication and competences, digital transformation, leadership, management and organisation, and knowledge management. We are independent, agile, and teach you practical competences that matter today and in the future. When it comes to expertise in transcultural and intercultural topics, we have over 30 years of experience and over 1'500 alumni in the field. Leggi di più Medair Medair is an impartial, independent, and neutral humanitarian organisation inspired by Christian faith to save lives and relieve human suffering in the world’s most difficult-to-reach and devastated places. Since 1989, we’ve been helping people in crisis – regardless of race, creed or nationality – That the world’s most vulnerable and difficult-to-reach people living in dignity, free from human suffering, and with hope for a better future. Leggi di più Médecins du Monde Suisse (MdM) Médecins du Monde Switzerland is a medical humanitarian NGO and part of the international Médecins du Monde network. We provide sustainable access to healthcare for people in vulnerable situations in Switzerland and around the world. Leggi di più Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare. We offer assistance to people based on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation. Leggi di più Mercy Ships Mercy Ships è un'organizzazione umanitaria internazionale che utilizza navi ospedale per offrire interventi chirurgici gratuiti d’eccellenza alle popolazioni più povere del mondo. L’organizzazione contribuisce inoltre a rinforzare i sistemi sanitari dei paesi visitati, offrendo anche formazioni per i professionisti del settore. Fondata nel 1978 a Losanna, Mercy Ships ha lavorato in più di 55 Paesi ed effettuato oltre 100.000 interventi chirurgici gratuiti. Ogni anno, professionisti provenienti da oltre 60 paesi prestano servizio volontario sulle due navi ospedale non governative più grandi del mondo, l'Africa Mercy e la Global Mercy. Leggi di più Mission 21 Mission 21 is committed in 20 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America in the context of sustainable development cooperation as well as humanitarian action for peacebuilding, education, health, food sovereignty, and economic empowerment. In this way we contribute to the achievement of the UN goals for sustainable development. This worldwide commitment is combined with programmes for intercultural exchange and interreligious cooperation as well as the promotion of understanding for global connections. Leggi di più Save the Children Switzerland Come organizzazione indipendente leader sul fronte dei diritti dell’infanzia, Save the Children opera dal 1919 in modo specifico per i diritti dei bambini. In Svizzera e nel mondo facciamo in modo che i bambini crescano sani, possano andare a scuola e vivano in sicurezza. Nelle situazioni di emergenza e in caso di catastrofe, dove i bambini sono i più vulnerabili, siamo fra i primi ad arrivare sul posto e fra gli ultimi ad andarcene. Ci assicuriamo che i bisogni particolari dei bambini siano soddisfatti e che le loro voci siano ascoltate. Leggi di più Skat Consulting Ltd. Skat Consulting Ltd. is an owner-operated leading Swiss company specialising in international cooperation. We are dedicated to making basic services available and ensuring dignified living conditions and a healthy environment for all. We support governments and the private sector around the globe in improving people’s lives by facilitating lasting solutions in water, building, energy and governance. Leggi di più Solidar Suisse Solidar Suisse is a Swiss development organisation with projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Southeastern Europe. Together with our local partners we fight for decent work, social justice, participation in democratic processes and against extreme inequality. Leggi di più SolidarMed SolidarMed is the Swiss organisation for health in Africa and improves health care for 1.5 million people in Lesotho, Moçambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. SolidarMed strengthens and expands existing medical services sustainably and meaningfully. The health of mothers, pregnant women, newborns and children is a central concern and receives particular attention in the projects. In cooperation with local partner organisations, hospitals and villages, SolidarMed promotes help for self-help. Leggi di più Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) Swiss TPH is a world-leading institute in global health with a particular focus on low- and middle-income countries. Associated with the University of Basel, Swiss TPH combines research, services, and education and training at local, national and international levels. About 850 people from 80 nations work at Swiss TPH focusing on infectious and non-communicable diseases, environment, society and health as well as health systems and interventions. Leggi di più SWISSAID SWISSAID is committed to improving the living conditions and future opportunities of smallholder families, women and children in the global South, with whom it works on an equal footing in all its projects. Practical action on the ground and political engagement in Switzerland: as an expert in agroecology and gender equality and with a keen eye on the commodity market, we work in a principled way for sustainable development. Leggi di più Swisscontact Swisscontact is a leading organisation in the implementation of international development projects. We create opportunities – we promote inclusive economic, social and ecological development to make an effective contribution towards sustainable and widespread prosperity in developing and emerging economies. Leggi di più swisspeace swisspeace is a practice and research institute dedicated to advancing effective peacebuilding. Partnerships with local and international actors are at the core of our work. Together, we combine expertise and creativity to reduce violence and promote peace in contexts affected by conflicts. We offer postgraduate programmes on peacebuilding, as well as several freestanding continuing education peacebuilding courses in collaboration with the University of Basel. Leggi di più Terre des hommes (Tdh) Terre des hommes is the leading Swiss organisation for children’s aid. Through our health, protection and emergency relief programmes, we provide assistance to over four million children and their families in around 40 countries each year. We aspire to a world in which the rights of children, as defined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, are always respected. A world in which children can thrive in safe environments and become agents of change they wish to see in their lives. Leggi di più terre des hommes switzerland terre des hommes switzerland empowers young people in Africa, Latin America and Switzerland. Together with them, we fight poverty, violence and discrimination and promote the rights of children and young people and fair North-South relations. Our core competence lies in participatory and solution-oriented work with young people in the areas of health, peace culture and sustainable livelihoods. Leggi di più The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) The LWF is a global communion of churches, putting faith into action and promoting and advocating for human dignity, justice, and peace. Through LWF World Service, its humanitarian and development arm, the LWF supports people in need, responds to emergencies, and addresses the causes and effects of human suffering and poverty. The LWF is known for timely, compassionate, and professional humanitarian and development work. It serves people in need irrespective of ethnicity, religion or gender. Leggi di più Villaggio Pestalozzi per bambini Il Villaggio Pestalozzi per bambini è un'organizzazione internazionale di assistenza all'infanzia che lavora per sostenere bambini e giovani dal 1946. Ci occupiamo di cooperazione allo sviluppo da oltre tre decenni. Insieme alle organizzazioni partner locali, aiutiamo i bambini e i giovani svantaggiati ad esercitare il loro diritto ad una buona educazione, offrendo loro migliori opportunità per il futuro. Leggi di più Wyss Academy for Nature The Wyss Academy for Nature at the University of Berne is a place of innovation, where research, business, policymakers and communities come together to co-design solutions for sustainable futures. Our mission is to turn scientific knowledge into action. Combining ambitious, innovative goals with a transformative approach, we develop long-term pathways that strengthen and reconcile biodiversity conservation, human well-being and the sustainable use of natural resources in a variety of landscapes throughout the world. Leggi di più
Azione Quaresimale Azione Quaresimale è un'organizzazione svizzera di cooperazione internazionale. Ci impegniamo al fianco delle persone svantaggiate del Sud globale, per eliminare la fame e per un mondo più giusto. Per raggiungere questi obiettivi attingiamo alle conoscenze locali e sviluppiamo approcci efficaci in dialogo con le nostre organizzazioni partner. Con progetti rafforziamo la loro autonomia e sosteniamo le comunità nel rivendicare i loro diritti fondamentali. Collaboriamo con organizzazioni partner in 14 Paesi in Africa, Asia e America Latina e con organizzazioni in Svizzera. Leggi di più
Basel Institute on Governance The Basel Institute on Governance is a hands-on centre of competence dedicated to promoting good governance and countering corruption for a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. Established in 2003 in Basel, the Institute works with partners worldwide to advance knowledge, practice and policy on anti-corruption, asset recovery and business integrity. Leggi di più
Better Cotton Initiative Better Cotton is the world’s leading sustainability initiative for cotton. Our mission is to help cotton communities survive and thrive, while protecting and restoring the environment. In just over a decade, we have convinced stakeholders who span the industry to be partners: farmers, ginners, spinners, suppliers, manufacturers, brand owners, retailers, civil society organisations, donors and governments. Leggi di più
BFH Cooperation and Development The platform BFH Cooperation and Development brings together the activities of various different departments at BFH in the field of international cooperation. Specialising in cooperation with emerging and developing countries, our activities are guided by the UN’s Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and make a concrete contribution to the sustainable development of both the economy and society. Leggi di più
Biovision Biovision has been promoting ecological solutions for poverty reduction and improved food security in sub-Saharan Africa since 1998, developing and disseminating practical agro-ecological knowledge and action with its strong network of partners. As a pioneer of change, Biovision works in sub-Saharan Africa, globally and in Switzerland in a solution-oriented and science-based manner for social and political framework conditions that make an agro-ecological transformation towards a sustainable food system possible. Leggi di più
Caritas Svizzera Caritas Svizzera previene, contrasta e allevia la povertà in circa 20 Paesi. Aiutiamo le persone in difficoltà in modo professionale, efficace ed efficiente, indipendentemente dalla religione, dal credo politico, dal sesso o dall’origine etnica. Leggi di più
Centre Ecologique Albert Schweitzer (CEAS) CEAS is a Swiss NGO active in development cooperation since 1980. Recognised as a public utility, it implements projects based on the co-creation of innovative solutions, developed with local populations and recognised research institutes. Thanks to its complementary areas of expertise and its international network of partners, CEAS supports families, small businesses and public authorities on the African continent. Leggi di più
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) CDE is Switzerland’s centre of excellence for sustainable development. One of the University of Bern’s strategic research centres, we are tasked with mainstreaming sustainability throughout the university’s research and teaching. We conduct research and teaching on behalf of a more sustainable world. Our aim is to chart pathways to sustainable development and to initiate transformations in line with the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Leggi di più
Centre pour la formation continue et à distance (CFCD) To face the ever growing and complex challenges in international cooperation, the University of Geneva offers interdisciplinary continuing education programmes for professionals, in multiple formats. They give professionals the opportunity to acquire and reinforce qualifications in their field of specialisation (humanitarian action, environnement and sustainable development, health and psychology, education and law). The programmes also aim at developing transferable and transversal skills, which are essential to pursue a successful career or reorientation. Leggi di più
Comitato internazionale della Croce Rossa (CICR) Organizzazione imparziale, neutrale e indipendente, il Comitato internazionale della Croce Rossa (CICR) ha la missione esclusivamente umanitaria di proteggere la vita e la dignità delle vittime di conflitti armati e di altre situazioni di violenza, e di portar loro assistenza. Il CICR si adopera inoltre per alleviare la sofferenza promuovendo e rafforzando il diritto umanitario e i principi umanitari universali. Leggi di più
Comundo Con oltre 70 cooperanti del settore, Comundo migliora la vita e i diritti umani delle persone vulnerabili che vivono in povertà in America Latina e in Africa. Prestiamo particolare attenzione ai bambini, ai giovani e agli anziani. Lo facciamo condividendo le conoscenze e l'esperienza dei nostri esperti con le organizzazioni partner locali, mettendo in rete le parti interessate e promuovendo l'apprendimento reciproco. Come organizzazione della società civile svizzera, Comundo contribuisce all'attuazione degli Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile dell'Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite. Combina l'esperienza concreta degli esperti nei paesi in cui opera con l'azione politica e la sensibilizzazione della società svizzera per realizzare un mondo più giusto. Leggi di più
Croce Rossa Svizzera (CRS) La Croce Rossa Svizzera lavora per migliorare la salute e il benessere delle persone vulnerabili in tutto il mondo e per superare la loro esclusione sociale. La CRS aiuta anche le persone a diventare più resistenti ai disastri naturali e ad affrontare meglio i loro effetti. Come parte del Movimento Internazionale della Croce Rossa e della Mezzaluna Rossa, è attiva nel soccorso d'emergenza, nella ricostruzione post-disastro e nella cooperazione allo sviluppo in più di 20 paesi. Leggi di più
Enfants du monde (EdM) Enfants du Monde is a Swiss organisation based in Geneva. For over 50 years, we have been providing quality education and access to healthcare to children and mothers in the world's poorest countries. Leggi di più
EPFL EssentialTech Centre The EPFL EssentialTech Centre develops sustainable and scalable solutions to address unmet needs, notably in low-income and vulnerable contexts. Its mission is to harness science and technology to drive sustainable development, humanitarian action and peace. Working from concept definition to technology transfer, its core activities include systems engineering, contextual guidance and developing sustainable business models for the projects. The Centre also provides expertise to international organizations and partnership initiatives in its focus areas of action. Leggi di più
ETH NADEL NADEL is the Center for Development and Cooperation at ETH Zurich. It connects researchers and practitioners to share, discuss and apply knowledge that addresses global and local development challenges. The Center offers postgraduate programs and individual courses aimed at graduates and professionals interested, or currently working, in development cooperation. Leggi di più
Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights The Geneva Academy provides postgraduate education, conducts academic legal research and policy studies, and organises training courses and expert meetings. We concentrate on branches of international law that relate to situations of armed conflict, protracted violence and protection of human rights. The institution has acquired a global reputation for excellent teaching and research, and it attracts exceptional students to its master’s and training programmes. Leggi di più
Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies A joint Centre of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and the University of Geneva, our mission is to contribute to a better, more effective, humanitarian response. The Centre offers a wide range of specialist and academic courses on humanitarian action, both online and residential, in Geneva and around the world, close to where professionals work; integrated, evidence-based research looking at trends and changes in the sector; and policy events on contemporary topics affecting the humanitarian sector. Leggi di più
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies The Graduate Institute Geneva is an institution of research and higher education dedicated to the study of world affairs, with a particular emphasis on the cross-cutting fields of international relations and development issues. Through our core activities, we aim to promote international cooperation and make a contribution to the progress of developing societies. More broadly, we endeavour to develop creative thinking on the major challenges of our time, foster global responsibility and advance respect for diversity. Leggi di più
HEKS/EPER HEKS champions the cause of a more humane and just world and a life in dignity. Internationally, HEKS/EPER focuses on rural community development, humanitarian aid and inter-church cooperation. In Switzerland, HEKS/EPER champions the rights and the integration of refugees and socially disadvantaged people. Leggi di più
Helvetas Helvetas s'impegna per un mondo giusto nel quale tutti gli esseri umani possano vivere la propria esistenza in modo autodeterminato dignitosamente e in pace, dove le risorse naturali siano utilizzate in modo sostenibile rispettando l'ambiente. L'organizzazione svizzera indipendente per la cooperazione allo sviluppo - con sedi autonome in Germania e negli Stati Uniti - fornisce aiuto all'auto-aiuto in circa 30 Paesi in Africa, Asia, America Latina ed Europa dell'Est, promuovendo così un vero cambiamento. Leggi di più
Institute of Communication & Leadership Lucerne (IKF) IKF offers tertiary level continuing education programs in the areas of transcultural communication and competences, digital transformation, leadership, management and organisation, and knowledge management. We are independent, agile, and teach you practical competences that matter today and in the future. When it comes to expertise in transcultural and intercultural topics, we have over 30 years of experience and over 1'500 alumni in the field. Leggi di più
Medair Medair is an impartial, independent, and neutral humanitarian organisation inspired by Christian faith to save lives and relieve human suffering in the world’s most difficult-to-reach and devastated places. Since 1989, we’ve been helping people in crisis – regardless of race, creed or nationality – That the world’s most vulnerable and difficult-to-reach people living in dignity, free from human suffering, and with hope for a better future. Leggi di più
Médecins du Monde Suisse (MdM) Médecins du Monde Switzerland is a medical humanitarian NGO and part of the international Médecins du Monde network. We provide sustainable access to healthcare for people in vulnerable situations in Switzerland and around the world. Leggi di più
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare. We offer assistance to people based on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation. Leggi di più
Mercy Ships Mercy Ships è un'organizzazione umanitaria internazionale che utilizza navi ospedale per offrire interventi chirurgici gratuiti d’eccellenza alle popolazioni più povere del mondo. L’organizzazione contribuisce inoltre a rinforzare i sistemi sanitari dei paesi visitati, offrendo anche formazioni per i professionisti del settore. Fondata nel 1978 a Losanna, Mercy Ships ha lavorato in più di 55 Paesi ed effettuato oltre 100.000 interventi chirurgici gratuiti. Ogni anno, professionisti provenienti da oltre 60 paesi prestano servizio volontario sulle due navi ospedale non governative più grandi del mondo, l'Africa Mercy e la Global Mercy. Leggi di più
Mission 21 Mission 21 is committed in 20 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America in the context of sustainable development cooperation as well as humanitarian action for peacebuilding, education, health, food sovereignty, and economic empowerment. In this way we contribute to the achievement of the UN goals for sustainable development. This worldwide commitment is combined with programmes for intercultural exchange and interreligious cooperation as well as the promotion of understanding for global connections. Leggi di più
Save the Children Switzerland Come organizzazione indipendente leader sul fronte dei diritti dell’infanzia, Save the Children opera dal 1919 in modo specifico per i diritti dei bambini. In Svizzera e nel mondo facciamo in modo che i bambini crescano sani, possano andare a scuola e vivano in sicurezza. Nelle situazioni di emergenza e in caso di catastrofe, dove i bambini sono i più vulnerabili, siamo fra i primi ad arrivare sul posto e fra gli ultimi ad andarcene. Ci assicuriamo che i bisogni particolari dei bambini siano soddisfatti e che le loro voci siano ascoltate. Leggi di più
Skat Consulting Ltd. Skat Consulting Ltd. is an owner-operated leading Swiss company specialising in international cooperation. We are dedicated to making basic services available and ensuring dignified living conditions and a healthy environment for all. We support governments and the private sector around the globe in improving people’s lives by facilitating lasting solutions in water, building, energy and governance. Leggi di più
Solidar Suisse Solidar Suisse is a Swiss development organisation with projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Southeastern Europe. Together with our local partners we fight for decent work, social justice, participation in democratic processes and against extreme inequality. Leggi di più
SolidarMed SolidarMed is the Swiss organisation for health in Africa and improves health care for 1.5 million people in Lesotho, Moçambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. SolidarMed strengthens and expands existing medical services sustainably and meaningfully. The health of mothers, pregnant women, newborns and children is a central concern and receives particular attention in the projects. In cooperation with local partner organisations, hospitals and villages, SolidarMed promotes help for self-help. Leggi di più
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) Swiss TPH is a world-leading institute in global health with a particular focus on low- and middle-income countries. Associated with the University of Basel, Swiss TPH combines research, services, and education and training at local, national and international levels. About 850 people from 80 nations work at Swiss TPH focusing on infectious and non-communicable diseases, environment, society and health as well as health systems and interventions. Leggi di più
SWISSAID SWISSAID is committed to improving the living conditions and future opportunities of smallholder families, women and children in the global South, with whom it works on an equal footing in all its projects. Practical action on the ground and political engagement in Switzerland: as an expert in agroecology and gender equality and with a keen eye on the commodity market, we work in a principled way for sustainable development. Leggi di più
Swisscontact Swisscontact is a leading organisation in the implementation of international development projects. We create opportunities – we promote inclusive economic, social and ecological development to make an effective contribution towards sustainable and widespread prosperity in developing and emerging economies. Leggi di più
swisspeace swisspeace is a practice and research institute dedicated to advancing effective peacebuilding. Partnerships with local and international actors are at the core of our work. Together, we combine expertise and creativity to reduce violence and promote peace in contexts affected by conflicts. We offer postgraduate programmes on peacebuilding, as well as several freestanding continuing education peacebuilding courses in collaboration with the University of Basel. Leggi di più
Terre des hommes (Tdh) Terre des hommes is the leading Swiss organisation for children’s aid. Through our health, protection and emergency relief programmes, we provide assistance to over four million children and their families in around 40 countries each year. We aspire to a world in which the rights of children, as defined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, are always respected. A world in which children can thrive in safe environments and become agents of change they wish to see in their lives. Leggi di più
terre des hommes switzerland terre des hommes switzerland empowers young people in Africa, Latin America and Switzerland. Together with them, we fight poverty, violence and discrimination and promote the rights of children and young people and fair North-South relations. Our core competence lies in participatory and solution-oriented work with young people in the areas of health, peace culture and sustainable livelihoods. Leggi di più
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) The LWF is a global communion of churches, putting faith into action and promoting and advocating for human dignity, justice, and peace. Through LWF World Service, its humanitarian and development arm, the LWF supports people in need, responds to emergencies, and addresses the causes and effects of human suffering and poverty. The LWF is known for timely, compassionate, and professional humanitarian and development work. It serves people in need irrespective of ethnicity, religion or gender. Leggi di più
Villaggio Pestalozzi per bambini Il Villaggio Pestalozzi per bambini è un'organizzazione internazionale di assistenza all'infanzia che lavora per sostenere bambini e giovani dal 1946. Ci occupiamo di cooperazione allo sviluppo da oltre tre decenni. Insieme alle organizzazioni partner locali, aiutiamo i bambini e i giovani svantaggiati ad esercitare il loro diritto ad una buona educazione, offrendo loro migliori opportunità per il futuro. Leggi di più
Wyss Academy for Nature The Wyss Academy for Nature at the University of Berne is a place of innovation, where research, business, policymakers and communities come together to co-design solutions for sustainable futures. Our mission is to turn scientific knowledge into action. Combining ambitious, innovative goals with a transformative approach, we develop long-term pathways that strengthen and reconcile biodiversity conservation, human well-being and the sustainable use of natural resources in a variety of landscapes throughout the world. Leggi di più