
SolidarMed helps children, mothers and their families to receive basic health care. Give people in need a chance.

SolidarMed improves health care for more than 2.5 million people in rural Africa and in India. We strengthen existing medical facilities and train local health personnel. Our projects are developed in close collaboration with local partners such as hospitals, health centres and health authorities, supported by our health experts on site.

Focusing on the following sustainable development goals (SDGs)

No Poverty

How we work

We focus on the quality of medical services and on good quality, friendly, patient-centred nursing care. We invest in critical infrastructure for health facilities and help ensure they have access to water and a reliable electricity supply.

... and why

The local authorities in the remote, rural project regions do not have the resources to invest in adequate health infrastructure. The health facilities lack well-trained staff and medical equipment. In response, SolidarMed supports and trains health workers. We provide equipment and improve diagnostics. We invest in the infrastructure of health facilities and help local authorities to plan and implement health programmes.

Career opportunities

Seeking candidates mainly in

Salute e alimentazione

Opportunities offered

Internships for students no
Traineeships/Talent programs for graduates no
Positions/programs for young professionals no
Staff positions for professionals yes
Senior or management positions yes
Consultancy opportunities no


The prerequisites for employment are high professional qualifications, language skills, flexibility and commitment. The minimum duration of an assignment abroad is three years. Most jobs are family-friendly. SolidarMed offers attractive Swiss employment conditions as well as opportunities for professional exchange and further training.

We ask you to apply only for specific vacancies, as we cannot process or save unsolicited applications. Due to the high number of applications for open positions, we will only contact you personally if your application is shortlisted. Thank you for your understanding.

SolidarMed does not offer internships or volunteering opportunities.

See current vacancies on cinfoPoste

Type of organisation


Field(s) of activity

Aiuto umanitario



Region(s) of operation

Medio Oriente e Africa del Nord
Africa subsahariana

Number of employees

In Switzerland:
Tra 20 e 50

Outside Switzerland:
Tra 20 e 50

Learn more

Visit our website