World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.

The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Our activities are shaped by a unique institutional culture founded on the stakeholder theory, which asserts that an organization is accountable to all parts of society. The institution carefully blends and balances the best of many kinds of organizations, from both the public and private sectors, international organizations and academic institutions.

Focusing on the following sustainable development goals (SDGs)

Climate Action
Partnerships to achieve the Goals

How we work

With initiatives such as the "Global Redesign" and the "Great Reset", the WEF calls for a multistakeholder governance approach, to make global decisions not intergovernmentally but in "coalitions" with multinational corporations and civil society organisations.

The central event of the Forum is the meeting of more than 1000 member companies as well as politicians and representatives of science, non-governmental organisations, religion and the media every year in January or February in Davos.

... and why

Our aim is to improve the state of the world and promote entrepreneurship in the global public interest. We work at the highest levels with global leaders to empower public-private cooperation and seek solutions to some of the world’s complex challenges.

Career opportunities

Seeking candidates mainly in

Relazioni esterne
Diritti umani, diritto e governance
Tecnologia dell'informazione e della coomunicazione
Monitoring e valutazione
Affari politici e mantenimento della pace
Sviluppo del settore privato

Our workforce is a diverse community of agile, curious and forward-thinking people. We look for people who are highly accomplished, but have an appetite to learn new things. Driven, multilingual, and resilient, our people relish the challenge of working at a fast pace, adapting to a wide range of projects, activities and events.

Above all, they share a passion for our mission.

Opportunities offered

Internships for students no
Traineeships/Talent programs for graduates yes
Positions/programs for young professionals yes
Staff positions for professionals yes
Senior or management positions yes
Consultancy opportunities no
See current vacancies on cinfoPoste

Type of organisation

Azienda del settore privato / fondazione

Field(s) of activity

Cooperazione allo sviluppo


Geneva, Switzerland

Region(s) of operation

Europa dell'Est e Asia centrale
America del Nord
Sud-est asiatico e Pacifico
Europa occidentale e centrale

Number of employees

In Switzerland:
Tra 200 e 1000

Outside Switzerland:
Tra 200 e 1000

Learn more

Visit our website