Forum cinfo for junior professionals in international cooperation

You are a junior professional in the field of international cooperation – what if Forum cinfo 2022 was a pivotal moment in your career?

Want to get a foothold in the sector?

You have a basic understanding of what working in international cooperation looks like, and perhaps a vision of where you see yourself going, but you don’t know how to get there? Learn how to better navigate the sector and where to look for the right opportunities.

Forum cinfo orientation

Make valuable connections and leave a good impression

Is networking the key to your career success? It sure can be!

Meet peers and experienced professionals, speak directly to organisations and leave a lasting impression. Many of the participating organisations are looking to recruit staff.

Networking Forum

Don't miss out on opportunities

Are you aware of all the opportunities available to you as a young professional?

Get to know more organisations, talk directly to their representatives, and broaden your horizons and options.

Booth career fair

Learn more

Programme, speakers, exhibitors and tickets:

Forum cinfo 2022