cinfoPoste Candidate Area
What is cinfoPoste?
cinfoposte is the Swiss portal for jobs in international cooperation, both in Switzerland and abroad. By creating a profile on the platform, you become part of the cinfoPoste Talent Pool, which gives you advantages for your next career steps.
Why join the cinfoPoste Talent Pool?
Let our algorithms do some of the work for you
Receive email suggestions for jobs that match your profile, thanks to the algorithms that power our Job Agents feature.
Be contacted by our recruiters
On cinfoPoste, organisations are looking for a wide range of profiles. In some cases, our recruiters actively support their search by contacting you personally.
Get career information tailored to your profile
Receive career tips and job opportunities. Plus access to exclusive events.
Registering and updating your profile is free and easy
Uploading your CV and other application documents to your profile is simple and has full privacy protection. You can update your profile at any time.
How to get onboard
Register for the job portal and talent pool
Read our step-by-step guide to optimise your profile
Customise your Job Agents to be notified when a vacancy matches your interests
Frequently asked questions
What is the CV extract for?
It helps our artificial intelligence system understand who you are. We recommend you modify and complete the list of job titles and skills to make sure it accurately reflects your profile.
My CV extract looks awful, should I worry about it?
You shouldn’t. It is your original CV that will be considered when recruiters evaluate your profile. Only our artificial intelligence “sees” the extract.
Job application
Where can I replace my CV with a new version?
To replace your standard CV, please go to the account management section and select “Update CV”.
Where can I upload a CV targeting a specific vacancy?
The system allows you to make use of a generic CV. Ensure this includes all the information you want to share for the vacancy you are applying for. Remember, the cover letter should always target the job you are applying for. If you wish to, you can upload additional CVs under “Documents” in your personal area.
Where can I add a job-specific cover letter?
During the application process, you can copy/paste your cover letter in a dedicated textbox.
I would like to add work certificates, diplomas or other documents to my application. Where can I upload them?
When logged in, you can find a section “Documents” in your personal area. Upload as many documents as you want. These documents will be included in your application when you apply for a job on cinfoPoste.
The matching indicator suggests that I do not have a relevant profile to apply for a particular job. Should I still take a chance?
The job matching indicator helps you assess if your skills and experiences correspond to the job you are applying for. It is based on algorithms, which compare your job title and extracts of your CV to the job description. Although the system is performant, artificial intelligence is never as good as a recruiter. While we are helping AI to learn and give you a good overview, do consider it, but do not take it to the letter! It won’t be considered during the recruitment process.
To optimise this function, make sure you have a complete CV for our algorithm to be able to identify a maximum of your skills and experiences, including keywords that you want to be sure get picked up.
How is the affinity rate calculated?
The matching bar only has an indicative value. The tool is based on a complex algorithm which includes several weighted averages, such as your job title (i.e. the main profession you indicate when you register), keywords in your main CV, and the description of the job advertisement.
Job letter and Job Agents (email notifications)
What is a Job Agent?
Job Agents are job alerts sent via email. They are generated automatically based on your profile and help you keep up-to-date with the latest vacancies that are most relevant to your profile. You can activate/change your Job Agents manually under “Job Agents” in your personal area. Read more:
How to set up your Job Agents on cinfoPoste
How can I make sure that the job letters I receive match my interest?
You can create Job Agents yourself in your personal area by completing the section of interest to you. This allows you to receive vacancies that most closely match your interest. Read more:
How to set up your Job Agents on cinfoPoste
Video CV
What is the video CV for?
The video CV allows candidates to showcase their skills and experiences, and provides a more well-rounded view of who they are. For cinfo, recording a video CV is not mandatory (unless specifically requested), but it can enhance the visibility of your profile to recruiters.
Read more about video CV on LinkedIn.
What am I supposed to say in my video CV?
You will be asked four questions about your skills, professional experience and motivation. The four questions can be read before starting to record the video.
Once recorded, can I see the video CV? When?
Once recorded, the video is formatted and then made available in your personal area. The process takes around 1 hour.
Who can see my video CV?
Unless you apply for a job through cinfoPoste, the video CV is only visible to cinfo staff and will not be shared with any third parties.
Can I do the CV video again if I am not satisfied after the first recording?
This is possible in your personal area, once the first recording has been processed and made available.
Data privacy
Who can see my professional profile and CV?
Unless you apply for a job through cinfoPoste, your data is visible to cinfo staff only. Your professional profile might be shared with third parties ONLY if cinfo manages the recruitment process on behalf of the Swiss Confederation (JPO & UNYV programmes, etc.) or another client. This will be specified in the job advertisement. All consultants who work with cinfo are under a confidentiality agreement.
Does cinfo share my data with third parties?
cinfo shares your profile and application if we manage the recruitment process on behalf of the Swiss Confederation (JPO & UNYV programmes, etc.) or another client. This will be specified in the job advertisement. All consultants who work with cinfo are under a confidentiality agreement. When cinfo does active sourcing to help an organisation find the perfect match, your data might be shared only with your explicit consent.
How long is the data stored?
Your data is stored for a maximum of three years since your last login to the platform.
Where are the cinfoPoste servers located?
Personal data is stored in Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands. For cinfoPoste, we use the services of Digital Ocean to store data. More information.
What happens to my data if I close my account?
You can close your account in your personal area under “Account management”. If you delete your profile, all your data will be erased from our servers and you will not be able to restore it.
What are my rights regarding my data?
Our privacy policy is aligned with Swiss and European regulation, including the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). At cinfo, we respect your privacy and your rights with respect to your data. Find more information in our terms of use and privacy policy.
Demystifying the cinfoPoste Talent Pool
Have you ever joined a talent pool? Are you intrigued or somewhat reluctant to dip into the possibilities that talent pools offer? This article demystifies this practice and highlights the associated benefits of creating a profile and keeping it up to date.
cinfoPoste 3.0 – Maximum chance of success for minimum effort
With cinfoPoste 3.0, the Swiss job market in international cooperation takes a step forward. Focus on the talent pool, the core of the new platform.