Collaborating Across Cultures

Improve competences in intercultural collaboration in your own time and place

Do you work in unfamiliar contexts? Do you interact with people from different cultural backgrounds? Do you work in, coordinate or manage a diverse team? Our online programme Collaborating Across Cultures helps you to overcome these challenges.

Collaborating across cultures in international organisations
Price CHF  
280 / 700

up to 5 days before the training, you will be refunded with a deduction of CHF 50

Price member CHF  
240 / 630

The training at a glance

How you can communicate across cultures

Module 1

Know more clearly how your beliefs and values influence the way you interact in a multicultural context. Understand the main challenges of intercultural communication and develop your observation skills.

This module, which also includes an individual coaching session (60'), helps you to

  • Identify the main challenges of intercultural communication
  • Reflect on what shapes your own identity
  • Understand how culture influences your behaviour 
  • Interpret non-verbal communication
  • Develop intercultural skills

How you can build trust in multicultural teams

Module 2

Reflect on what it takes to build trust. Learn how to create a working environment where mutual respect and trust can develop.

This module, which also includes an individual coaching session (60'), helps you to

  • Get to know your own stereotypes and prejudices and learn how to deal with them
  • Understand the importance of building trust
  • Reflect on how people perceive you 
  • Identify the contextual and personal elements that are necessary to build trust 
  • Apply practical steps to build trust

How you can manage conflict in multicultural teams

Module 3

Identify the most common sources of misunderstanding and learn how to spot and defuse conflicts at an early stage before they have negative consequences.

This module, which also includes an individual coaching session (60'), helps you to

  • Review the fundamentals of interpersonal communication
  • Communicate assertively
  • Explore different conflict management styles
  • Develop listening skills
  • Observe yourself in a conflict situation and develop appropriate responses

Combination of self-paced learning and individual coaching

  • You have access to online learning material (pre-recorded mini-lectures, exercises and biographical references), which you can go through at your own pace and convenience.
  • After completing each module, you are entitled to an individual coaching session (60') on Zoom with the training facilitator.


Daniel Glinz
Daniel Glinz is a consultant at cinfo. He develops and facilitates continuous training... More


Individual module

Learning platform and Zoom

Online learning material for one module, followed by an individual coaching session.

Select a start date

Package of 3 modules

Learning platform and Zoom

Online learning material for all three modules, each followed by an individual coaching session.

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