Find a speaker with sector expertise

Gain access to the right speaker(s) for your next event or other purpose

The search for external speakers can be time-consuming, depending on the subject area and the existing network of contacts. At cinfo, we have been cultivating an extensive network in the field of international cooperation for over thirty years, with numerous connections in Switzerland and around the world. We can therefore facilitate connections to inspiring and qualified speakers who bring practical experience.

  • International cooperation organisations
  • Educational institutions related to international cooperation
  • Gain access to speakers and ad hoc lecturers with expertise in humanitarian aid or development cooperation.
  • The mandate requires an active search: CHF 180
  • The mandate does not require an active search: free of charge

Get in touch

cinfo is uniquely positioned to meet the challenges of our time because it has such a solid, impressive base: few organisations have as many contacts and as much knowledge in the humanitarian field.
Carine Leu Bonvin
Head of Alumni Relations & Professional Networks ,  Graduate Institute Geneva

The service at a glance

Defining desired criteria and search

  • Define sought-after criteria for speakers
  • Search for individuals and create a shortlist
  • Obtain information about the approaches/references of the desired person(s)
  • You gain access to speakers who are active professionals in international cooperation and have the required expertise in the subject area.

Get in touch