Online Workshop on Conflict Management

Elevate your conflict prevention and resolution skills - tailored for both local and expatriate staff.

In the intricate dance of organisational dynamics, conflict, while common, can erode trust, jeopardise relationships or create toxic environments where collaboration becomes a challenge. So how do you navigate these challenges effectively? What's the blueprint for restoring harmony when things derail?

Designed specifically for professionals working in diverse socio-cultural environments, our online conflict management workshop will give you the tools to answer these questions and more.

Conflict Management Workshop
4 half-days in May 2024
Price CHF  

up to 5 days before the workshop, you will be refunded with a deduction of CHF 50

Price member CHF  


Tailored to your needs:

Starting with real situations you've encountered, we emphasise practical analysis over theory, ensuring you leave with actionable insights for your day-to-day operations.

Interactive learning environment:

This isn't your typical webinar. With engagement at the forefront, our workshop encourages active interaction between facilitators and participants. And with the potential for "zoom fatigue" in mind, we've incorporated reading segments, moments for personal reflection, and small group discussions.

Staged learning:

The first two sessions lay the foundations of conflict management. Apply these basics in your work and personal life, and return in subsequent sessions for more advanced topics and case study analysis.


Session 1
Tuesday, 07 May 2024, 09:00-12:30 (Swiss time)

  • Introduction to conflict
  • Recognising levels and causes of conflict
  • Understanding conflict phases

Session 2
Wednesday, 08 May 2024, 09:00-12:30 (Swiss time)

  • Addressing different perceptions of conflict
  • Direct vs. indirect communication styles
  • Identifying personal conflict management styles
  • Distinguishing between complete and incomplete messages

Session 3
Tuesday, 28 May 2024, 09:00-12:30 (Swiss time)

  • Constructive feedback and criticism
  • Proactive conflict identification and management
  • Understanding conflict triggers
  • Participant-provided situation analysis

Session 4
Wednesday, 29 May 2024, 09:00-12:30 (Swiss time)

  • Giving and receiving feedback and criticising constructively
  • Addressing conflicts before they become damaging
  • Examining which interlocutors trigger conflicts in us
  • Analysis of a situation provided by participants

Key takeaways - Equip yourself to

Understand and classify levels and causes of conflict

Foster and manage trusting relationships

Improve active listening skills

Provide constructive feedback and criticism

Differentiate between communication styles

Prevent conflict from escalating

Recognise different expectations of conflict management

Discover and refine your approach to conflict management

Rebuild trust after a conflict

Participating was a step out of my comfort zone into a new world where I discovered completely unknown things about myself.

Graça Ricardo, communications and security advisor, Helvetas in Mozambique
Read her testimonial


Daniel Glinz
Daniel Glinz is a consultant at cinfo. He develops and facilitates... More


Online Workshop on Conflict Management

400 (members: CHF 300)
Online (Zoom)

The workshop will be held over four half-days in May 2024, specifically on the 7th, 8th, 28th, and 29th. Each session will run from 09:00 to 12:30 (Swiss time).

Register now

Discount for cinfo member organisations

Employees of organisations that are members of cinfo receive a discount of CHF 100.

To obtain the discount code, please contact us by e-mail or by phone at +41 32 365 80 02.

Email us

Participation requirements

Make sure you have

  • a working computer with audio and video capabilities.
  • a stable internet connection.
  • access to Zoom, Google Docs and either YouTube or Vimeo.


Upon completion of the workshop and completion of the evaluation form, cinfo will issue you with a certificate of participation.