The Swiss foundation Biovision promotes ecological solutions to improve livelihoods in sub-Sahara Africa and to transform food systems globally.
Biovision develops and disseminates practical agroecological knowledge and action through its strong partner network. As a non-religious and politically independent organization, Biovision aligns its work with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 2 of “Zero Hunger”. It advocates a fundamental, agroecological transformation of food systems. Biovision particularly supports agroecological innovations and works to increase their prominence and use.
Focusing on the following sustainable development goals (SDGs)
How we work
Biovision pursues a systemic approach and builds bridges across stakeholders. In particular, it relies on promoting agroecological innovations and their dissemination in cooperation with local research institutions and the private sector, it transfers knowledge and strengthens the capacity of local communities and organizations, and brings together different actors through policy dialogue to change framework conditions. The Centre Ecologique Albert Schweitzer (CEAS) is its alliance partner.
... and why
Biovision pursues an ambitious vision:
A world with enough healthy food for all, produced by healthy people in a healthy environment. Achieving this vision requires a profound agroecological transformation of our food systems – from the field to the plate.
Career opportunities
Seeking candidates mainly in
Biovision offers challenging positions in a dynamic team and an innovative NGO with commensurate wages, adequate social security and a centrally located workplace in Zurich and Geneva. All their open positions are published under
Opportunities offered
Type of organisation
Field(s) of activity
Region(s) of operation
Number of employees
In Switzerland:Outside Switzerland:
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