Green Climate Fund

The Green Climate Fund is the largest global fund dedicated to help fight climate change.

The Fund allocates its resources to low-emission and climate-resilient projects and programmes in developing countries. It pays particular attention to the needs of societies that are highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

Focusing on the following sustainable development goals (SDGs)

Affordable and Clean Energy
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Climate Action

How we work

A core GCF principle is to follow a country-driven approach, which means that developing countries lead GCF programming and implementation.

... and why

The GCF is mandated to support developing countries raise and realise their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) ambitions towards low-emissions and climate-resilient pathways.

Career opportunities

Seeking candidates mainly in

Agriculture and Forestry
Banking and Finance
Environment and Disaster Risk Management
External Relations
Human Resources Management
Human Rights, Law and Governance
Information and Communication Technology
Media and Communication
Monitoring and Evaluation
Private Sector Development
Supply Chain Management

There is no Planet B. As the world’s largest Climate Fund, GCF offers the opportunity to pursue rewarding and challenging work (on the critical, global topic of climate change); with skilled and supportive colleagues and learning and development opportunities. GCF offers competitive base salaries and a comprehensive benefits package that includes worldwide medical insurance, leave, retirement benefits and dependency allowances.

Opportunities offered

Internships for students yes
Traineeships/Talent programs for graduates no
Positions/programs for young professionals no
Staff positions for professionals yes
Senior or management positions yes
Consultancy opportunities yes
See current vacancies on cinfoPoste

Type of organisation

Multilateral development bank

Field(s) of activity

Development Cooperation


Incheon, South Korea

Region(s) of operation

Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Latin America and the Caribbean
Middle East and Northern Africa
South/East Asia and Pacific
Sub-Saharan Africa

Number of employees

In Switzerland:

Outside Switzerland:
Between 200 and 1000

Learn more

Visit our website